Advertisements play a very important role in the promotion of one’s business. But a business advertisement should be drafted, designed and laid out in an artistic manner that will tempt the reader to go through it even if he has no desire to buy the advertised product.
In fact, it is not possible to think of the modern world
without advertisement. When we speak of advertisements we generally refer to
business and commerce. They have become the kingpin of the world of trade
In the past, there was not much need to advertise goods.
Makers were limited. The traders or manufactures had only local customers. At
best they took the services of town-criers or they use handbills or posters.
But, now advertising itself has become a specialized form of
business. Many advertising agencies have come up. There agencies help
businessmen to promote their sales.Small traders still use handbills and posters. They also use
wall-paintings for the purpose, but big traders and industrialists use
sophisticated devices for this purpose. They advertise their product through
the silver screen of the cinema or Internet. They telecast sponsored
programmes. They give catchy advertisements on the radio. Colorful and
life-size hoardings are displayed on the roadsides. Many gifts schemes are
started to push the sale of product.
In fact, trade advertisements are everywhere around us. They
are seen at every street corner, at the bus stands, at railway stations.
Businessmen know that they can’t do without advertisement.
Advertisements give a boost to the country’s economy. They
encourage production, increase in business bring about more employment
opportunities. With greater sales, manufacturers can improve the quality of products. They can also make researches
in fresh areas.
Now, there is nothing wrong in advertising. But, trouble
arises when false claims are made by the manufacturers for their products, such
traders and manufacturers earn profits by deception. It is really sad that
harmful and substandard products should be sold to innocent customers by the
sheer force of advertisement.
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